
Understanding Diabesity: How Weight Loss Can Help Control Diabetes


In Canada, diabetes is a growing concern, affecting approximately 14% of the population, with a significant portion of these individuals also struggling with the challenges of excessive weight. Moreover, it is predicted that by 2032, the prevalence of diabetes will increase by 3%, amplifying the prevalence of obesity in tandem. To comprehend the intricate relationship between diabetes and excessive weight, it is essential to grasp the fundamentals of diabetes.

What is Diabetes and Prediabetes?

Diabetes is a serious health issue. It happens when your body can’t handle the sugar in your blood properly because it doesn’t have enough of a hormone called insulin.

Prediabetes is a bit like a warning sign. It means your blood sugar is higher than it should be, but not high enough to be called diabetes.

What is HbA1c?

HbA1c, or glycated hemoglobin, is a vital blood test used for diagnosing diabetes, prediabetes, and assessing the risk of developing prediabetes. This test looks at your average blood sugar level over the past three months. It’s more helpful than a random fasting sugar test or just checking your blood sugar once in a while.

If your HbA1c is 6.5% or higher, it means you have diabetes.

If it’s between 6.0% and 6.4%, that’s prediabetes.

And if it’s between 5.6% and 5.9%, it means you’re at risk of getting prediabetes.

What are the symptoms?

Diabetes can make you:

  • Feels thirsty all the time, and really hungry even if you’re eating;
  • Lose weight without trying;
  • Frequent peeing and getting frequent bladder infections
  • Fatigue and tiredness
  • Blurry Vision
  • Numbness and tingling in hands and feet

But the tricky thing is, that people with prediabetes usually don’t have any of these signs. They only find out through the blood test.

What are the complications?

Diabetes complication develops over time and gets worse when blood sugar level is not controlled. It can cause the following

Heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, nerve damage, circulation issues, foot ulcer, delay wound healing, blindness and more. It’s not something to take lightly.

Why Keep an Eye on HbA1c?

It’s way better to stop diabetes before it even starts. As it says “ Prevention is better than cure”/ That’s why it’s important to get checked for prediabetes. If your HbA1c levels are high, it’s a sign that you could get diabetes. if you don’t make any changes to your lifestyle and behaviour, it is expected that 70% of people with prediabetes will eventually develop diabetes. Checking regularly every three to six months will significantly reduce the risks of developing complications.

Does Diabetes Cause Obesity or Obesity causes diabetes a Complex Connections?

Diabesity is a fancy word that shows how closely linked diabetes and weight are. They’re like two sides of the same coin because they both have something called “insulin resistance” in common.

Think of insulin as a key that unlocks your cells to let sugar in for energy. But with insulin resistance, those keys don’t work as well, and sugar piles up in your blood. Your pancreas (a part of your body) makes more insulin to try to fix the problem, but it doesn’t always work.

This means your body doesn’t use insulin the way it should, and your blood sugar goes up. The more weight you carry, especially around your belly, the higher the chances of getting type 2 diabetes.  It’s like never a never-ending cycle.

Losing Weight to Control Diabetes

Losing weight is a powerful way to manage diabetes and prediabetes. It helps your body use insulin better and keeps your blood sugar in check. Even dropping just 5-10% of your body weight can make a big difference in preventing diabetes or slowing it down. To do this, eat healthy, move more, and sometimes, your doctor might give you special weight loss medicine that can also help with your blood sugar-related issues.

How Modest Medix Can Help

Modest Medix offers comprehensive support for individuals seeking weight loss and better management of diabetes and prediabetes. Our team comprises medical doctors, registered dietitians, and obesity care educators (health coaches) who can provide specialized guidance. Medical doctors can diagnose and monitor the condition, while Registered Dietitians offer personalized dietary advice. Obesity Care Educators provide motivation, behavioural therapy, mindfulness, and accountability throughout the weight loss journey.

At Modest Medix, we ensure regular screenings and lifestyle changes in you to difference in your health. With the support of Modest Medix’s Weight Management program, you can take control of your health and enjoy a better quality of life.

Remember, “Your health is your most valuable asset. Embrace the power to change, and watch as your choices transform your life for the better with Modest Medix.”