fatty liver

Understanding Fatty Liver: How Weight Loss Can Help

In the fight against being overweight, there’s a hidden problem called Fatty Liver Disease. Many people know about the problems that come with having too much weight, but they might not realize how it can harm the liver.

What is Fatty Liver Disease?

Fatty Liver Disease, also called Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD), happens when too much fat builds up in the liver cells. This can make the liver not work well and cause swelling and damage. When this happens, it can lead to many health troubles.

Our liver does many important jobs like cleaning our blood, breaking down food, and getting rid of harmful stuff. When fat piles up in the liver, it messes up these important jobs and causes various health issues.

What are the stages of Fatty Liver Disease?

  • Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD): This is the first stage, and it’s usually not very harmful. People often don’t feel it or see any signs. Doctors can find it with blood tests or ultrasound. If not treated, it can become more serious.
  • Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH): This is a more advanced stage. It causes swelling and harm to the liver cells. If not handled properly, it can lead to liver scarring (fibrosis), cirrhosis, or even liver cancer.

 What Causes Fatty Liver Disease?

 Many things can lead to a fatty liver, like being overweight, insulin resistance, diabetes, high cholesterol, and eating unhealthy foods. Drinking too much alcohol can also cause a similar problem, called Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.

How to Check for Fatty Liver Disease?

If you think you might have fatty liver disease, it’s important to see a doctor. They will:

  • Ask about your medical history and any risks like obesity, diabetes, or high cholesterol.
  • Do a physical exam to look for signs of a swollen liver or other issues.
  • Order blood tests to check how well your liver works and for signs of swelling.
  • Use imaging tests like ultrasound, CT scans, or MRIs to see fat in the liver.
  • Conduct a Fibro Scan to check how stiff your liver is.
  • Sometimes, a liver biopsy might be needed to be sure about the diagnosis and how bad it is.

How Weight Loss Helps Fatty Liver Disease?

 The good news is that you can often reverse fatty liver disease, especially in the early stages. One of the best ways to do this is by losing weight. Here’s how weight loss can make a big difference:

  1. Less Fat in the Liver: When you lose extra weight, there’s less fat in your liver. This helps the liver cells work better and lowers swelling and liver enzymes.
  2. Better Insulin Control: Losing weight can make your body to use insulin better and make it more sensitive, which reduces the risk of more fat building up in the liver.
  3. Less Swelling in Liver: Weight loss lowers inflammation in your body, including the liver. This is important to stop NASH from getting worse.
  4. Prevent Complications: By managing your weight and taking care of your liver, you can lower your chances of getting severe liver diseases like cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Can Genetic Testing Help Fatty Liver Disease?

Genetic testing, which looks at your genes, can help understand if you are more likely to get fatty liver disease. It can also help create us create you a personalized meal plan to help you lose weight and take care of your liver.

How Modest Medix Can Help You?

Fatty liver disease can be silent, but it’s important to deal with it if left alone, it can lead to serious problems. Modest Medix is a Medical Weight Management center in Ontario that can assist you in managing your condition by helping you lose weight, which is very good for your liver. We have a team of experts, including doctors, dietitians, and educators who will support you on your weight loss journey. Your weight loss plan is made just for you to tackle problems like these liver-related issues.

Here’s what they offer:

  • Nutritional Guidance: Our educators will help will guide you within our Eatlove app to provide you extra dietary support.
  • Personalized Meal Plans: You’ll get a meal plan that is customized to your dietary needs.
  • DNA-Based Meal Plans (Nutrigenomics): We can use your genetics to make our plans right for your body.
  • Behavior Therapy: We will help you change those bad habits and help you bring mindfulness.
  • Regular Check-Ins: We will keep a watchful eye on your progress to help you stay accountable.
  • One-on-One Coaching: You will have someone to talk to on a regular basis about your growth or issues causing things to get tough.
  • Supportive Environment: We create a positive atmosphere.
  • Ongoing Education: You’ll learn how to stay healthy life long.

If you’re dealing with Fatty Liver Disease and want to lose weight to improve your liver health, Modest Medix could be a great option for you. Remember, taking care of your liver is important for your overall health, so don’t hesitate to seek help and make positive changes in your life.