
Is Arthritis and Weight Gain Related?

Arthritis or Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic degenerative joint condition in which tissues in the joint deteriorate over time. OA causes pain, tenderness, swelling and limited movement in one or multiple joints. These cause restrictions in activities and mobility.

At Modest Medix, our Physicians and Registered Dietitians will assess your health needs and help develop customized weight loss programs in Ontario, Canada. If you are experiencing arthritic pain and restricted mobility and finding that weight is an issue,e then Modest Medix Weight Management Programs can help you manage a healthy weight and prevent your arthritis symptoms from worsening.

Obese or overweight patients are at a higher risk of developing arthritis. The excess body weight adds pressure on the joints, which may cause degeneration and swelling. Research has proven that with each pound of weight gain the knee experiences four pounds of pressure, limiting movement which contributes to weight gain due to their inability to burn more calories than they earn. To put it simply, arthritis and chronic weight gain are interrelated.

What are the types of Arthritis? 

There are 100 variations of arthtritis. However, the most common forms are: osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and childhood (juvinele) arthritis.

  • Osteoarthritis – occurs when the protective cartilage covering the ends of your joints deteriorates, leading to friction between the bones during joint movement. Normally, this cartilage acts as a cushion and lubricant, ensuring smooth and pain-free joint function. but when the cushioning layer gradually wears away, bones grind against each other causing pain, tenderness, swellings , stiffness and restriction in movement on the affective joints.
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) causes your own immune system to mistakenly attack your joints, causing erosion of cartilages and bones. Persistent joint inflammation can cause permanent damage to joints, causing you to live with pain.
  • Psoriatic Arthritis – Similar to RA, it is an autoimmune disease where your immune system attacks your skin and joints. It typically affects patients who have psoriatic arthritis.

How does your Weight cause Arthritis?

In addition to your weight, various factors, such as injuries, aging, infections, and even genes, can increase your risk of arthritis. As mentioned earlier, developing arthritis, in addition to being overweight or obese, can worsen your condition. Arthritis affects more women than men. In such situations, we advise you to join a customized weight loss program for women in Mississauga to achieve a healthy weight. Achieving and managing a healthy weight can significantly reduce the risk of arthritis development.

Body weight contributes to joint degeneration

Your primary weight-bearing joints are heels, ankles, knees, and neck, which help carry most of your body weight. Chronic weight gain can add stress to your lower back and weight-bearing joints. Over time, this extra weight can cause joint inflammation and degradation, leading to arthritis and associated symptoms.

Every time you move, such as taking a step, it causes a force when your foot hits the ground. This force travels up your legs, and your joints absorb them. As a result, it eventually contributes to wear and tear of joints, leading to osteoarthritis. Besides, as your weight stresses your joints, it causes degeneration of protective cartilage, which causes worsening of your symptoms faster.

Excess body weight leads to joint inflammation

Arthritis is a joint inflammatory disease. While RA causes the immune system to attack tissues lining your joints, leading to inflammation, osteoarthritis gradually develops due to damage and irritation in your joints. You may experience chronic joint inflammation, worsening your condition if left untreated. In patients with RA, inflammation can degrade your joints, causing deformities.

Overweight can cause inflammation. Fat cells release biochemicals responsible for causing inflammation throughout your body. As you gain more weight, it produces more biochemical, leading to higher inflammation. It will further either increase the risk of developing arthritis or worsen your existing symptoms.

Being overweight can cause your condition to progress further

Arthritis is a progressive health concern. If you are obese or overweight, your joint degradation may advance faster. If not treated, your condition may worsen to the extent that you might need joint replacement surgery.

Whether you have arthritis or are obese or overweight, you must manage a healthy weight to maintain your joint health. At Modest Medix, your personal weight loss trainer in Mississauga can help develop custom solutions to keep your weight off and prevent arthritis.

How does Modest Medix help treat weight issues in Arthritis patients?

Healthy weight management is critical for managing your symptoms. Losing a few pounds can help lessen the stress on your joints and improve your condition. Modest Medix weight loss programs in Ontario, Canada, are customized according to patient’s needs to help improve their quality of life.


No one wants or should live with persistent pain. Arthritis at different stages can cause varying levels of pain. In some situations, patients’ conditions can be so debilitating that they may find it challenging to perform even regular chores. Besides, in extreme conditions, patients might be left with surgery as the only option to regain mobility.

Why should you wait for surgery when you have the perfect alternative to manage your health and arthritis symptoms? We can help manage your condition at Modest Medix, provided you start the treatment at the onset of arthritis symptoms or even when dealing with weight issues.

Regardless of whether you have arthritis or chronic weight issues, consult our health team at Modest Medix and join our customized weight loss programs to achieve your Best Weight.

We want our patients to DON’T JUST LIVE, BUT THRIVE.